Community Directory

If you are a local business, club, charity, society or school then we’d love to include you in our community directory. Listing is free and we can introduce you to other people in the village. Simply click here and send us your details.
Twyford Together relies on the generosity of villagers to make our events and projects happen. Some give up time, some come up with ideas, some offer sponsorship. Look out for our ‘key supporters’ as you browse through the directory. And if you’ve been inspired, why not get in touch.

TimeFinders – Senior Life Specialists

We are Senior Life Specialists offering practical help and emotional support to older people and their families in changing circumstances. Services include advocacy; continuing support; finding & managing care; downsizing; family, attorney & deputyship support and future planning reports.

TimeFinders logo


IT Technical Support for small businesses and domestic home users, including PC fault fixing, internet and e-mail issues, boot up issues and virus removal. No fix, then no fee.

TWComputerServices logo

Twyford & District Fishing Club

Twyford and District Fishing Club was formed in 1932. The current permitted fishing waters at Borough Marsh are similar to those in the 1930s but, in addition, the water at Sandford Mill has been used since 1946. Excellent fishing in beautiful surroundings.

Twyford and District Fishing Club

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Want to see your business, charity or group listed?

If you are a local business, club, charity, society or school we’d love to hear from you.

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