Community Directory

If you are a local business, club, charity, society or school then we’d love to include you in our community directory. Listing is free and we can introduce you to other people in the village. Simply click here and send us your details.
Twyford Together relies on the generosity of villagers to make our events and projects happen. Some give up time, some come up with ideas, some offer sponsorship. Look out for our ‘key supporters’ as you browse through the directory. And if you’ve been inspired, why not get in touch.

Ruscombe Parish Council

Ruscombe Parish Council is made up of 8 voluntary councillors with the aim of representing those that live or work in Ruscombe.

S Green Plumbing and Heating

We specialise in boiler installation, services, repairs, heating systems, under-floor heating, cylinders vented/unvented.

S Green Plumbing and Heating logo

Sing Your Pain Away

Sing Your Pain Away is a fun group singing class in Twyford. We are all about relaxed singing for wellbeing, health and fun and everyone is welcome regardless of singing ability and irrespective or whether or not you are in pain.

Sing Your Pain Away

Stanlake Park Wine Estate

Since 1979 Stanlake Park has produced a wide range of English wine, including white, rosé, red and fizz. Cellar Shop and Wine Bar open Wednesday to Sunday; we also stock local food, beer, cider, snacks and a variety of gifts. Private and public tours all year round. Venue hire for weddings and private functions.

Stanlake Park logo

Strand Hair & Beauty, The

Hairdressing salon with a beauty room, long established in the village offering all aspects of hairdressing for the whole family.

Swan Yoga

Sarah Swan is a Yoga & Meditation Teacher and a Yoga Therapist specialising in using yoga to empower you towards health and wellbeing through yoga. Based in Twyford, Sarah teaches classes and works with clients on a one-to-one basis.

Swan Yoga logo

Tai Chi for Well-Being

We practice Yang Style Tai Chi and Qigong in Twyford. The instructors are members of the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain. This is a gentle form which helps promote balance, relieve stress, build strength and flexibility. Strict COVID guidelines are in place and since March, a weekly, online class has been offered for free.

Thames Valley Travel

Independent ABTA Travel Agent established in Twyford since 1986. Offering a personal customer service by experienced staff to assist you with a variety of holidays, from good value breaks to bespoke travel itineraries around the world.

Thames Valley Travel

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If you are a local business, club, charity, society or school we’d love to hear from you.

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