Community Directory

If you are a local business, club, charity, society or school then we’d love to include you in our community directory. Listing is free and we can introduce you to other people in the village. Simply click here and send us your details.
Twyford Together relies on the generosity of villagers to make our events and projects happen. Some give up time, some come up with ideas, some offer sponsorship. Look out for our ‘key supporters’ as you browse through the directory. And if you’ve been inspired, why not get in touch.

Home Instead Senior Care

At Home Instead Senior Care we provide flexible, personalised care and support for our clients in their own home. Our home care services include home help, meal prep., companionship, personal care and dementia care – whatever an older person might need to help them live well in their own home for longer.

Home Instead logo

Home is

We are an established, local company who provide regular domestic cleaning, one-off spring cleans, post-builder cleans, end of tenancy cleaning, specialist oven and carpet cleaning services. All staff are full-time employees, trained in our unique iFresh cleaning system.

Home Is logo

Home of Twyford, Penelope Kearley Soft Furnishings & Interiors

High end soft furnishings specialist based in Twyford village. Specialising in hand finished curtains and blinds, lampshades and cushions. A huge range of fabric books to browse through. Vintage furnishings and gifts.

Penelope Kearley Soft Furnishings and Interiors logo

Hurst Parish Council

JJ and SJ Plumbing Ltd

JJ and SJ Plumbing is made up of two plumbers Jerry and Sarah. With over 35 years combined experience there is little that troubles this duo. JJ and SJ are in their 7th year of working together and the business has grown and developed in that time.

JJ&SJ Plumbing logo

JJSmith Brand&Design Consultancy

JJSMITH is a creative brand and design consultancy with years of proven experience in brand transformation. Whether you are right at the beginning and have a great idea that needs direction, you’re relaunching, or you just need some support with any brand or marketing challenges, I can help.

Josephine Blythe – Financial Consultant

If lockdown has made you rethink your future plans and you would like help understanding your financial arrangements we can discuss your goals and plans via a phone or video call.

Josephine Blythe Financial Consultant

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Want to see your business, charity or group listed?

If you are a local business, club, charity, society or school we’d love to hear from you.

Submit your details