Twyford Kitchen & Bathroom Place Open

A message from Twyford Together Business member, Lisa Bathrooms –


We are OPEN for business on an appointment ONLY basis, giving you a SAFE environment to come in and discuss your new kitchen and/or bathroom.

SHOWROOM ACCESS – Access will be limited to ONE appointment at a time. Please visit us alone or with ONE member of your household, and maintain a distance of 2 metres from our team members whilst looking around.

⭐️SAFETY⭐️ We have installed safety screens so that you can SAFELY sit down and chat through your plans. TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO: [email protected] OR CALL US ON 0118 932 0089. We look forward to helping you achieve your dream kitchen and bathroom. Stay well and see you in our show room”

Kitchen & Bathroom Place – Facebook Page