

Want to help keep the village clean and litter free? Then join our Adopt-a-Street scheme. We’ll provide you with a litter picker, green ‘Adopt-a-Street’ bags and a high-visibility jacket.

Which streets are covered?

We have over fifty Adopt-a-Street volunteers covering a good proportion of Twyford and Ruscombe’s streets. However, there are still areas that are in need of some TLC.

How did the scheme start?

The Adopt-A-Street initiative was launched by John Fletcher of Byron Close in 2010. Chris Wise took to the helm in 2016 and now has a team of litter pickers who regularly keep their road, group of streets, or local footpath free from rubbish.

Why get involved?

First, It’s entirely up to you when and how often you go out. Second, you and your neighbours will have the satisfaction of looking out on a cleaner street. And third, it might deter people from dropping so much litter in the future.

Who should I contact?

Drop an email to Chris Wise at [email protected]. And most importantly, make sure you tell everyone that you have joined our Adopt-a-Street Initiative. By taking responsibility for the litter on your street, you might inspire others to do the same!